Our Services
Doctor Service
Consultation fee
- € 60
- € 40 for follow up within 2 week
Fees for all our services displayed in waiting rooms or enquire by telephone when booking appointment
Repeat Prescription fee 25 E
A number of services are not covered under the GMS contract and medical card patients are required to pay directly for these services
- Letters and some forms requested by patient
- Medical certificates for abscence from work, college, school
- Medical examinations or reports for legal purposes, power of attorney
- Examinations relating to insurance policies
- Examinations relating to fitness to drive including eye test
- Pre-employment examinations/ School entry examinations
- Examinations in connection with fitness to take part in sports
- Some vaccinations
- Screening tests; including well man, well woman, blood test courier ( option to request blood form for hospital free of charge)
- joint injections
- some minor surgery procedures
Joint injections
Steroid injections for treatment of inflammatory of painful joint conditions
Minor Operations ( fee depends on complexity of procedure 60 - 220 E )
- ingrown toe nail resections
- excision of cysts
- removal of skin tags
- cryotherapy (freezing) of warts and verruca - covered by medical card
- cautery of lesions - covered by medical card
Family Planning free for all 17 - 35 year old
- pill checks
- depot injections
- implanon insertion and removal
- coil insertion and removal
- combined Antenatal and postnatal care up to 6 weeks after delivery (free of charge)
CIE Drivers and Their Families
If you are a Dublin Bus driver other CIE Group employee you are entitled for free GP visits if you choose us as your doctor.

Men's Health
Well Man Check:
Doctor consultation + bloods +/- ECG

Women's Health
Free Cervical Screening
Service for women 25- 60
Contraception consultations
free service for 17-35 yrs old
- hormonal (pill, mirena coil, jaydess coil and implanon insertion)
- non hormonal – copper coil insertion
Crisis Pregnancy
Fertility Problems
Including Preliminary Infertility Assessment and referral to specialist if needed
Advice & management of symptoms
Bone Health
Advice and DEXA referral
STI Screening

Do you have a medical emergency after surgery closed - please contact D-Doc
Need a doctor at night or after normal surgery hours? Call D- DOC 1850 22 44 77

Nurse Services
Blood Tests
BP Check
24 Hour BP Monitor
Ear Irrigation​
Travel Vaccines & Advice
Stitches removal

Cosmetic Clinic
Consultation for the treatment of lines and wrinkles
- frown lines
- forehead lines
- crow's feet
Hyperhydrosis( Excessive Sweating )
Dermal Fillers with hyaluronic acid
- lips augmentation
- nasolabial folds ( nose to mouth lines)
- marionette lines ( at the mouth corners )
- chin lines
- cheek lifts & fillers